
Thursday, 9 December 2021

Energy system: Transformation of energy

Energy system: Transformation of energy

Energy system: Transformation of energy
Energy system: Transformation of energy

Energy system conversion, also known as energy conversion, is the process of changing energy from one form to another.

In physics, an energy system is a quantity that provides the ability to perform work (e.g. lifting an object) or heat. As well as being convertible, according to the law of conservation of energy, energy is transferred to another place or object but it cannot be created or destroyed.

Most of its energy can be used in natural processes or to provide some services such as heating society, refrigeration, lighting or performing mechanical work to operate machines. For example, a furnace burns fuel to heat a home, whose chemical potential energy is converted into heat energy, which is then transferred to the home air to raise the temperature.


1 Limitation of heat energy conversion

2 History of energy system conversion

3 Other energy conversions

Thermal energy system conversion limitations:

Conversions from other forms of energy systems to thermal energy can occur with 100% efficiency. Conversions between non-thermal forms of energy can always occur with fairly high efficiency, while always being somewhat thermally extinct due to dense and similar processes. Sometimes the efficiency is close to 100%, for example, when an object falls into a vacuum, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. This also applies to the opposite case; For example, in an elliptical orbit around another body, an object converts its kinetic energy (motion) into the gravitational potential energy (distance of another object) as it moves away from its elite body. When it reaches the maximum point, it will reverse the process, convert potential energy into speed and accelerate. Since space is a void, this process has almost 100% efficiency.

The thermal energy system is very unique because it cannot be converted into other forms of energy. Only a difference in the concentration (temperature) of heat/heat energy can be used to perform the task and the efficiency of this conversion will be (much higher) less than 100%. This is because heat energy represents energy, especially scattered energy; It is scattered randomly across the many available states of the collection of microscopic particles formed in the system (these combinations of position and motion for each particle are said to form a phase space). The measure of this disorder or randomness is entropy and its defining characteristic is that the entropy of an isolated system never decreases. No entropy goes anywhere else,

Thermal energy in equilibrium at a certain temperature already represents the maximum evening energy among all possible states because it is not fully converted to the "useful" form, i.e. one that can do more than affect the temperature. The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a closed system can never be reduced. For this reason, to compensate for the loss of entropy associated with the disappearance of temperature, if the entropy of the universe is increased in any other way, only the thermal energy of a system can be converted to other kinds of energy with 100% efficiency and its entropy content. Otherwise, Only a fraction of the thermal energy can be converted into another type of energy (and thus useful work). This is because the heat residue must be stored to transfer the heat to the reservoir at low temperatures. The increase in entropy for this process is greater than the decrease in entropy associated with the conversion of other types of heat into energy.

To make energy conversion more efficient, it is advisable to avoid thermal conversion. For example, the efficiency of nuclear reactors, where the kinetic energy of the nucleus is first converted to thermal energy and then to electrical energy, is about 35%. Energy conversion, energy conversion process efficiency can be dramatically improved. 

Energy Conversion History 

Energy is one of the necessities of life. So much so, that the quality of life and even its quality of life depends on the availability of energy. So, we need to have a conceptual idea of the different sources of energy, the transformation from one form to energy, and the implications of these transformations.

You must have heard that the transformation of energy from one form to another is a well-known phenomenon. Even the law of conservation of energy tells us that the only thing that happens with energy is the transformation from one form to another. This means that we can convert electrical energy into thermal energy and light energy, convert solar energy into chemical energy, convert potential energy into kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, etc.

Energy conversion is defined as the process by which energy is transferred from one form to another, such as the conversion of atomic energy into heat energy, the conversion of light energy into heat, the conversion of thermal energy into action, etc. Which Leibniz defined as the product of the mass of an object and the square of its velocity; He believed that the total Visa Viva was saved. As the reason for the slowdown due to friction, Leibniz claimed that the heat consists of the random motion of matter - a point of view described by Bacon in Novum Organon, suggestive reasoning and shared by Isaac Newton, although it would take more than a century. Until it is generally accepted.

Other energy system conversions:

Some many different machines and transducers convert one power form into another. The following is a shortlist of examples:

Thermoelectric ( heat → electric shock loss) geological energy ( heat → electric power) heat machine fire as the auto used in the internal combustion machine or a brume machine ( heat → mechanical energy), ocean thermal shock loss ( heat → electric power), hydropower (gravitational implicit energy electric power) electrical creator ( kinetic energy or mechanical work → electrical power) energy cell (chemical power → electrical power) battery (electricity) (chemical power → electrical power) fire (chemical power → heat and light) electric wind (Electric power heat and light) Microphone (sound → electric power), surge energy ( mechanical energy → electrical energy) Windmills (wind energy → electrical energy into mechanical energy) PiezoelectricS (strain → electric power) disunion ( haste energy heat), electric heater (electric power → heat) Photosynthesis (Electromagnetic radiation chemical energy) ATP hydrolysis (chemical energy in adenosine triphosphate → mechanical energy).