
Monday, 27 December 2021

Energy System: Recyclable Plastic And Solar Energy

Energy System: Recyclable Plastic And Solar Energy

Energy System
Energy System: Recyclable Plastic And Solar Energy

Energy system heliorec ( is a green technology company focused on solar energy and the recycling of household and industrial plastics. Following its principles and concepts, Heliorec has developed a solar power generation system that will successfully find its application in countries.

  • Including lots of untreated plastic waste;
  • With high population density;
  • With the lack of alternative energy sources, the basic concept of the project consists of three stages

Construction of floating platforms from recyclable plastic waste, high-density polythene (HPPE). HPPE is available in plastic pipes, containers, household chemical packaging, dishes, etc .;

Installation of solar panels on platforms;

Establishment of platforms near seaports, remote locations, islands, fish farms.

The main goal of the project

Rational use of recyclable plastics for the production of floating platforms;

Water use in densely populated countries;

Eco-friendly solar power generation.

The Heliorec team is convinced that the eyes of the whole world should be drawn to the Asian countries. Countries in the region contribute the most to global environmental problems such as global warming, the greenhouse effect, and the pollution of untreated plastics.

Here is some information that speaks for itself. In total, Asia produces 57% of global CO2 emissions, while Europe produces 7% (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Statistics on global CO2 emissions

China produces 30% of the world's plastic, but only 5-7% is recyclable at the moment, and if this trend is followed, by 2050 there will be more plastic presence than sea fish.

Platform design

The structure of the floating platform will be sandwich panels, the main component of production which will be recyclable plastic, HPPE. The circumference of the platform will be stronger to withstand mechanical stress with a stronger material like steel. Empty cylinders made of high quality and plastic materials will be attached to the bottom of the floating platform, which will act as shock absorbers for the original hydromechanical loads. The top of these cylinders will be filled with air to continue the platform. This design avoids direct contact of the platform with the erosive environment of seawater. This idea was proposed by the Austrian company Heliofloat ( (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Empty Cylinder Floating Platform Design (Courtesy of HELIOFLOAT)

Once the platform design is finalized, submarine cables and anchor lines will be built at each individual location. The Portuguese company Waves ( will handle this opportunity. Wave is a world leader in the implementation of alternative energy projects at sea (Figure 3). 

Figure 3: Calculation of hydrodynamic load in sesame program

The pilot project will be installed at the Chinese port of Yantai with the help of CIMC-Raffles (

What next?

HelioRec is a unique project that will also carry out additional activities soon:

Increase public awareness on plastic pollution;

Changes in human mentality regarding the use (resources and products);

Lobbying in support of alternative energy sources and plastic recycling;

Customization of debris segregation and processing in every home, in every country.