Mobile Technologies: Communication Of Mobile Technologies
Mobile Technologies: Communication Of Mobile Technology |
Mobile technologies are a means of communication that has surpassed fixed telephony, this is because mobile telephone networks are easier and cheaper to deploy.
The use of mobile technologies among the inhabitants of a population helps to reduce the existing digital gap between each place since many users use this technological medium for the development of their activities and that is why the set of people who do not use them is reduced. they use.
The first mobile devices simply had the basic functionalities of telephony and SMS messages. Little by little, colour screens, cameras have been added ... In 2004, the first UMTS terminals and the possibility of video conferencing arrived. In 2005, the phones were capable of playing MP3, as well, operating systems and internet connection, highlighting the BlackberryResearch in Motion (RIM) company. In this way, users began to understand the mobile as an extension of their PCs in motion, which has led to a double evolution: mobile phones more focused on entertainment whose main feature is multimedia capacity, and mobile phones more focused on productivity that stands out for having a qwerty keyboard and are optimized for e-mail use.
Of all the terminals, the mobile phone is one of the most dynamic in terms of its evolution. The great competition between manufacturers for a market in continuous growth has led to the launch of a large number of novelties annually, and above all to a reduction in life cycles with the consequent risk for companies that sometimes amortize their investments. The most famous device is the iPhone3G, which marks a before and after that changes the user experience in terms of mobile browsing. In addition, the iPhone is a new terminal concept, the system includes the centralized AppStore from where you can buy applications specially designed for the device that takes advantage of all its technology, such as its Multi-touch touch interface, GPS, graphics Live 3D and 3D positional audio, you can also have web applications that facilitate access and use of services that use the network, such as Facebook. Apple's Mobile M service allows all users to automatically receive e-mails on their mobile as they arrive at the computer, but it also allows users to update and synchronize e-mails, contacts and calendars.
Current mobile telephone networks allow competitive average speeds concerning broadband in fixed networks: 183 kbps in GSM networks, 1064 kbps in 3G and 2015 kbps in WiFi. This allows Internet access to users with high mobility, on vacation, or for those who have fixed access. And in fact, there are very important growths in broadband internet access from mobiles and also from fixed devices but using mobile access. This growth will be a key factor in taking a new step in the development of the Information Society.
The evolution of the mobile phone has allowed us to reduce its size and weight, which makes our lives easier since it allows us to communicate from almost anywhere. Although its main function is voice communication, like the conventional telephone, its rapid development has incorporated other functions such as a camera, calendar, internet access, video playback and even GPS and mp3 player.
The most basic method of making an internet connection is the use of a modem in a basic dial-up. Although it does not have all the characteristic advantages of broadband, it has been the starting point for many Internet users, and it is a basic alternative for areas with lower purchasing power.
Broadband originally referred to the ability to access the internet than analogue access (56 kbps on a basic dial-up or 128 kbps in basic access ISDN ). Although the concept varies over time in parallel with technological evolution, according to the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), access at a speed equal to or greater than 200 kbps is considered broadband, at least in one sense. . For International Telecommunications Union, the threshold is 2 Mbps.
The reasons for preferring broadband connections are not having a busy telephone line, the speed of access and the possibility of always being connected. As well as access to new services related to photography, downloading music or videos. In a lesser way, at home, the internet connection equipment (modem/router) allows creating a network environment.
A new innovation in mobile technologies has been the laptop. 2008 saw the birth of the concept of the next PC, netbook or subnotebook, which has its origin in the OLPC initiative (One Laptop per Child, One computer for each child) promoted by the guru Nicholas Negroponte to make the Information Society accessible to the children of the Third world by making a low-cost computer. Its development has allowed two things: equipment technologies at a much lower cost than the traditional one and incentives for manufacturers to try to capture an incipient market with a huge potential supply. Following this concept, manufacturers have developed various models in this line in recent years. This new category of equipment, small portable computers that incorporate all the basic elements of a classic computer, but with a noticeably smaller size and what is more important a much lower price. The precursor has been the Asus Ecc PC, which has been the only one of these devices available on the market, although during the second half of 2008 there has been a veritable rain of computers in this segment from multiple manufacturers.
The use of different mobile technologies such as the cell phone is one of the cheapest and fastest communication services, well some of them, although at first when they go on the market they are expensive, cell phones have short messages, calls, internet, music, Among other functions.
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